10 HERBS TO<br />

10 Ways to Make Time for What’s Important to You

Ever feel like you have no time, but the one thing you are pretty sure about is that you are not spending time on what is important to you, with the people you care about most, on the activities you want to do, and you definitely have no time for yourself. It seems you have run out of days before you have time to work on the most meaningful parts of life. You start living the same day over and over again, always up against the clock. You get up, get your children to school, go to work, pick up your children from school, go through several after-school activities, come home, eat dinner, continue working, and go to bed. The next day is a re-run and when you get to the weekend, you just want to sleep but that is never going to happen! How much time do you spend on the most important aspects of your life – those activities that fulfill your life purpose? Has your life changed considerably in the last year? The last 10 years? At your current rate of progress, where will you end up 10 years from today?